
Showing posts with label Photoshop Technique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photoshop Technique. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

How to Reduce Digital Noise with Photoshop

thinking out about your photograph with noise, find out how to reduce digital noise in a photograph. with this easy tutorial will explain to you on how to reduce noise with photoshop. easy step by step tuts to follow.see tutorial

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How To Smoothing Skin with Photoshop

There are numerous strategies to smooth skin in Photoshop. All to frequently, notwithstanding, skin can show up too smooth, fake, and synthetic. Today I will exhibit a straightforward method to help you smooth skin equitably rapidly while safeguarding the texture of the pores. On this tutorial helps you on how to smoothing skin with photoshop without losing texture. read more

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Creating Steel Text Effect

Seeking for how to creating awesome steel text effects on your design? maybe you should like this easy tutorial on creating steel text effect. this tutorial brings to you with easy and step by step tutorial, i hope you'd like this and give you an idea how to combining with your design before. see more

Monday, April 9, 2012

adobe photoshop technique

 For my most recent work I wanted to create bubbles that would reflect my subject in a believable yet magical way

Thursday, April 5, 2012

adobe photoshop technique

An individual who would like to build a home business can take stock of the learning and abilities he even now has and afterward take persuasion from existing assets. Since he has talent in machine-helped configuration and photograph control then he is able to secure a home based business utilizing adobe photoshop.
Since an individual at present has essential information on lay excursion and photograph control but should overhaul or enhance his abilities then he is able to pick from the numerous adobe photoshop excercises that are good to go in the net. These excercises are ensured to put in the aptitudes at present controlled by an individual.
Adobe photoshop is a quite great configuration and control apparatus and it is being utilized by visual architects everywhere on the globe. Checking out the programming and the toolbox might be plaguing on the grounds that it looks so muddled but with polish and bunches of tips any individual fascinated by outline can accumulate coin with Adobe photoshop excercises.
An individual who chooses to create a photography business needs to memorize adobe photoshop assuming that he feels the need to be forward moving in the business. Gone are the days when individuals are actually content with plain photos. Today the interest has been taken a score higher by enhanced appearances as a consequence of the adobe photoshop system.
Photograph studios try not to actually improve photographs anymore but there is an esteem joined utility for a certain cost. An individual who would like to look photograph immaculate can now get flawless photographs with adobe photoshop. He would be able to even tweak his photographs at home by benefitting of adobe photoshop excercises.
Picking up photoshop might be confused from the start but with understanding, determination and loads of time spent in the machine an individual can end up a master in photoshop in unpaid time. A ton of profits can hail from memorizing adobe photoshop joining smugness, a unique side interest and even a late home business.
An individual can begin picking up photoshop by perceiving visual creators taking care of business. This can be that as it may be cunning for the reason that visual planners are even now masters in photoshop and they work snappy. A sprouting fashioner will have some major snags time making up for lost time with the speed of a master in adobe photoshop.
Be that as it may once he gets an across the board brainstorm of what to do with the project he is able to check out diverse adobe photoshop excercises. Some excercises might be downloaded free of charge. Unequivocally click on the system from your PC and attempt controlling the system.
An individual needs to begin with some photos which he desires to upgrade or control utilizing adobe photoshop. With Adobe photoshops photos might be made to look more senior, look revamped or even printed with enhanced appearances.
An individual who is totally fascinated to memorize adobe photoshop can do some effortless control in a matter of moments. Adobe photoshop excercises are introduced in quite a course as to create any individual with zero learning on photoshop pick up from it.
Make a point not to be so enterprising as to would like to pick up the more complex objectives even now for the reason that you could unequivocally be disappointed. Take it one stride during that timeframe and sit down for a bit to know and be acquainted with the unexpected Photoshop devices. Each device has its particular reason and they will assist a parcel in making great objectives and photographs.
An individual can in addition peruse books about photoshop but perusing books apart from everyone else will be to no end. An individual needs to actually encounter how it is to utilize the system and try different things with the apparatuses of photoshop.
A movie excercise of adobe photoshop could be preferable for a fledgling on the grounds that he would as a matter of fact be able to see what he needs to do and can instantly connect it to his outline. Unvarying rehearse will prepare an individual to memorize fundamental photoshop and afterward the more complex objective tips later on.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Radial Blur

On this tutorial I’m trying working with radial blur, radial blur using for make some effect so picture will looks fade it away on circle.
1. Open the background picture, this picture we will blur with radial blur.
2.  Go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur and make the following changes:
on Amount size using 50, then on blur method lets check on Zoom, and final for the quality check Best, click OK button and see the background image will radial blur with the center zoom on the image. Radial blur is finish on first object as a background image.

3)  Next, I am going to bring another image car for the sample (croping image needed) and place it on the top op background image.
4)  Duplicate (CTRL+J) the layer containing second object.

5)  With the duplicate layer selected, go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur and make the following changes:
Fill the Amount with 30, then blur method check Zoom, and check Best for Quality.

6)  Again, with the duplicate layer still selected, using the Eraser Tool, remove the blur off the second image so that it remains only on the edges of the second image. This makes it look like the object is moving.

I have repeated the same steps for different object.

That’s it, working with radial blur.

Monday, January 2, 2012


-Duplicate your picture layer by dragging the layer to the ‘new’ icon in the layers palette (ctrl+j).

- Apply a gaussian blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur…). Blur it enough that the detail disappears but the shapes mostly keep their form.

- In the layers palette, change the blending mode from ‘Normal’ to ‘Overlay.’

If you look at the before and after, you can see that this method makes the light tones lighter and the dark tones darker while softening it a touch. Basically, it softly boosts the contrast. If you want a more dramatic effect, try changing the blending mode to ‘Vivid Light’ instead of ‘Overlay.’
Try it on all kinds of shots: portraits, nature shots, you name it. I use this method ALL the time. It works so well with everything!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Watercolor Effect

Step 1
Open an image, I will use this image because it suit to my tricks.

Step 2
CTRL + J, duplicate the image. Now you will have a layer which labeled as layer 1. SHIFT + CTRL + U, desaturate the image and you will get something like this:

Step 3
CTRL + J again to duplicate layer 1 and you will get a new layer which labeled as layer 1 copy. CTRL + Ito invert the layer and set the layer blend mode to Color Dodge. Go to filter > other > minimum > 1. Double click on layer 1 copy to bring out the blending optionALT + left click on the triangle and set the underlying layer as below:

Step 4
CTRL + E to merge up both layers. CTRL + J, duplicate layer 1. Select layer 1 copy and go to filter > blur > Gaussian Blur > radius 6. Set the layer blend mode to linear burnCTRL + J on layer background and put the layer background copy at the top of all layer and set the layer blend mode to color.

Step 5
Hope you are still with me. Select layer background copy and add a layer mask, fill it with black color.

Step 6
Still with the layer background copy, go to image > adjustment > curve and set as below.

Step 7
Create a new layer and put it top of all layer. Fill it with #ffecd1. Set layer blend option to linear burn.

Step 8
We are nearly there, now select layer 1 and set the opacity to 60% or whatever you think suitable. Select thebackground copy layer mask, with a 45px soft brushopacity 65%, brush the face area. Here is it!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

water bubble with lighting effect in photoshop

[2] Now select the Gradient Tool aplly the following setings.

[3] Then fill the background with the help of Gradient Tool.
[4] Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and create a circle. Now fill that layer with #0a93bd.
[5] After that select the Brush Tool use these settings.

[6] Now set the Foreground color as shown image below.
[7] Now cntl+Click the circle shape layer to make a selection, After that play with your brush tool do not “D” select.
[8] Take the Elliptical Marquee Tool use these settings.
[9] Now create a shape like this.

[10] Then right click to select the Feather use these values.
[11] Make a new layer and fill that layer with White, then set the Opacity as shown image below.
[12] Take the Brush Tool again use these settings.
[13] Draw a shape like me.
[14] Then take the Elliptical Marquee Tool create a shape then right click to select the Feather use these values as shown images below.
[15] Now make a new layer, fill that layer with white color.
[16] Take the Elliptical Marquee Tool create a shape, fill that layer with white color, then drag the layer above the background layer.
[17] Double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply settings as shown.

[18] This is my result.

[19] Done!!! I hope you like it.